railway enquiry

Welcome to HElp077, your one-stop site for Indian Railway Enquires

PNR EnquiryReserved Train Between StationsSeat AvailabilityFare EnquiryReserved Train Schedule

Now you have the Power of RAIL ENQUIRY on SMS139you avail the folllowing services.
  1. PNR Enquiry
  2. Train Arrival/Departure Enuiry
  3. Accommodation Availability
  4. Fare Enquiry
  5. Train Time Table Enuiry
  6. Train Name/Number

PNR Enquiry: SMS "PNR <10-digit PNR number>" to 139
For example:PNR 1234567890

For Accommodation Availability:SMS " SEAT<Train number><DOJ** ddmmyy> <Station from:STD code> <Station to:STD code><class><Quota>***"to 139
For example:SEAT 12561 020611 0542 0571 SL G

Fare Enquiry:SMS "FARE<Train number> <DOJ** ddmmyy> <Station from: STD code> <Station to: STD code> <class> <Quota>***" to 139
For example:Fare 12561 020611 0542 0571 SL G

Train Time Table:SMS "TIME<Train number> to 139
For example:TIME 14034

Train Name/Number:SMS "TN<Train Name> or TN< Train number>" to 139
For example: TN Kalka Shatabdi or TN 14034

Premium Charges of Rs. 3.00 Per SMS are aplicable.